Request and Validate Imports Instantly

Request and Validate Imports Instantly

It’s easier to request imports into TroopTrack! Start by going to Support > Spreadsheet Import/Export. This is a new, somewhat experimental, feature. If it proves useful we plan to expand on it.

Use It

First, upload your spreadsheet and specify the type of import. When you submit the request, your spreadsheet will be instantly validated. If there are any errors, the page will reload with messages of what the errors were so that you can fix your spreadsheet. If there are no errors, a new help desk ticket will be created with your attachment and the type of import so that we can import the file for you.

Your spreadsheet has to be in .csv format (comma-separated values).

The types of imports available are:

Future Plans

If this feature works as well as we hope, then in the future the import will happen instantly, so you’ll be able to perform your own imports any time you wish!

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