Import Your Activities Instantly

Import Your Activities Instantly

Upload files for this importer like this.

We recently made an Activity Importer! You can now send us a spreadsheet of your activity records and we can import them for you. This is similar to recording outside participation on a user’s profile. Each row in the spreadsheet represents one user’s attendance at an event.

This importer will not add events to your calendar. It is only meant to mass-record outside participation.

The spreadsheet should follow this pattern:

Required Columns:

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Youth or Adult (values should be either “youth” or “adult”)
  • Event Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

Optional Columns:

  • Event title
  • Event type (One of your troop’s available event types)
  • Service hours
  • Tent nights
  • Cabin nights
  • Hiking miles
  • Canoeing miles
  • Round trip miles driven
  • Level (One of your troop’s available levels—not applicable to everyone)

The order of the headers doesn’t matter. Also, headers are case-insensitive (so you can use First Name or first name or FIRST NAME). Dates should be in DD/MM/YYYY format. Youth or Adult entries should either be Youth or Adult, and can be uppercase or lowercase. Gender entries should be either MaleFemale, or blank, and can be uppercase or lowercase.

We try to find users by first name, last name, and whether they’re a youth or adult, so be consistent in your naming. For example, if TroopTrack thinks John Smith Jr.'s first name is Johnny, use Johnny in the spreadsheet.

If the spreadsheet doesn’t contain all the required columns, we won’t be able to import your users. Also, if any rows in your spreadsheet are missing any required fields (for example, no Youth or Adult is listed for a user), we won’t be able to perform the import.


| First Name | last name | youth OR adult | Event Date | Event Title    | Service Hours |
| Johnny     | Smith     | youth          | 29/08/2016 | Helping Hands  | 2             |
| John       | Smith     | adult          | 13/02/2017 | Serving Others | 1.5           |
| Jane       | Smith     | Adult          | 02/02/2017 |                | 2             |
| Bob        | Bobson    | Youth          | 31/12/2016 | 2016 Service   | 53            |
| Robert     | Bobson    | adult          | 19/11/2016 |                | 4             |
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