How to Get There
To start a new event, select "Plan an Event" after clicking on the Plan Badge as shown below:
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**You may also select Calendar in the same drop down menu and simply click on the date desired.
Basic Event Details
There are a lot of details you can provide about an event, so to make things simpler we're going to discuss them one section at a time, starting with the basic details, which I've highlighted below:
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Here's a break down of what each of the fields in this section mean:
- Title: Short description of the event. This is the phrase that will be used when listing events in the calendar and on the agenda view.
- Event Type: Campout, Court of Honor, Fundraiser, Hike, Meeting, Other, or Service Project. Each type has its own default color that will be used when displaying the event in the calendar.
- Custom Color: If you don't want to use the default color, pick your own!
- Location: Where the event will be held. When describing the event later, TroopTrack will display the location in summaries of the event.
- Start at: The date and time the event starts. This field uses a special calendar picker that I'll explain in a second
- End at: The date and time the event ends. This field also uses the special calendar picker.
Choosing a Date and Time with the Calendar Picker
Here's an annotated image of the calendar picker describing how to use it.
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RSVP Deadline and Event Reminders
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Set your RSVP deadline.
Choose when to send the ORIGINAL invitation.
Finally, you may select when to send a reminder (example: the night before).
Inviting Members to Attend
Then click the "members" header, and it will take you to a screen like this:100% • 75% • 50%
Simply select groups or individuals you would like to invite.
Important Note: If you don't choose a value for 'Send invites when' or 'Send reminder when', the respective emails will NOT be sent.
Creating an Attractive Event Description
By now you may have noticed the WYSIWYG editor at the bottom of the basic section. With this editor you can create an event description that is formatted attractively using elements such as bold, bulleted lists, color, changes in font size, etc.
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Advanced Event Details
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Then you’ll see:
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Here are what each of these fields mean:
- Adult Coordinator: If an adult is organizing this event, choose them from the list. They will be listed as a contact person on summaries of the event.
- Scout/ Girl Coordinator: If a scout is organizing this event, choose them from the list. Like the adult coordinator, they will be listed as a contact person. Many scouting units will assign both a scout and adult coordinator for events, in which case they are both listed.
- Camping nights: How many nights will you be camping? Scouts who attend will have the nights credited to them for using in the Camping Merit Badge (Boy Scout Troops only) and other awards. If you won't be camping just leave it blank.
- Hiking miles: If you will hike as part of this event, how many miles will you go? Like camping nights, miles are credited to anyone who attends. You can use the custom report tool to see a summary of each of these fields.
- Service hours: If your event includes a service project, how many hours will be given? Service hours are required for some rank advancements, but it is also helpful to know how many hours your scouting unit spends serving the community.
- Permission required: If completion of a permission slip is required, check this box. The event email will include a link to the standard BSA permission slip that will be pre-filled with information about the event and scout for the parents to print and sign.
- Medical required: Check this box if a current medical must be on file in order to attend.
- Tour plan required: Check this box if a tour plan must be filed with the scout office prior to this event.
- Fees:Is there a cost associated with this event? If so, enter it here. If you are using event integrated accounting, scouts who RSVP for this event will automatically have the fee deducted from their scout money account and transferred to the troop account.
- Event Items Available for Purchase: If there’s event items that can be bought they can be added here. Ex: T-shirts, special patches, etc.
Reoccurring Events
Let's say Pack meetings are every Wednesday at the church. Committee meetings are on the second Sunday of each month. With the "Meeting Schedules" feature you can plan both those events and have them repeat for a specified amount of time.
How to Get There
Simply click “Plan”, then “Meeting Schedules”.
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Then click “New Meeting Schedule” to plan a new repeating event.
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From there you’ll be able to plan a meeting schedule in a similar way of planning a normal event. You can customize the name, when the first meeting occurs, the specific time of the event, and then how often it will occur after the first meeting.
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Don’t forget to save:
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After that you’ll see each individual event, and the time for those events. You can edit those events, or add extra ones if you need more. Then just click on “save events”, and those events will be added to your calendar.