Import Your Equipment List Instantly

Import Your Equipment List Instantly

Upload files for this importer like this.

We recently made an Equipment importer! You can now send us a spreadsheet of your equipment items and we can import them for you instantly. The spreadsheet should follow the pattern of our equipment export spreadsheet:

Required Columns:

  • Name
  • Condition

Optional Columns:

  • Description
  • Location
  • Patrol name
  • Expires on (DD/MM/YYYY)
  • Purchased on (DD/MM/YYYY)
  • Cost

The order of the headers doesn’t matter, and any other headers will be ignored. The condition should be one of: ‘Like New’,‘Good’, ‘Usable’, ‘Needs Fixing’, ‘Needs Replacing’, or ‘Needs Maintenance,’ otherwise the item won’t be saved. Dates should be in DD/MM/YYYY format.


| Name      | Condition    | Description   | Location    | Patrol name | Expires on |
| Shovel 1  | Like New     |               | Mike's Shed | Patrol2     |            |
| Trailer 2 | Good         | 12 ft trailer |             | Group 3     | 01/10/17   |
| Truck     | Needs Fixing |               |             |             |            |
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