If you're an American Heritage Girls troop, you have access to the Manage Service Stars feature. This feature is the only way to add service stars to the profiles of the youth in your troop and it's super easy to do.
First off, you'll need to add service hours to your users. If your users have no service hours then this page isn't useful to you.
Visit Achieve>Manage Service Stars, you'll see something like this account with some service hours already added:
10051 service hours might be an unrealistic amount, but it gets the point across, alright?
We can see how many stars are already on the accounts of these users (in this case they have 0) and how many hours they've served at each level. Clicking the link "Add x Stars" will add those stars to the profile of that user.
As you can see with the second user, if they don't have enough hours to have earned another service star, there won't be a link.
Recommended Use:
Considering stars can only be done manually, some users might wonder when they should go through and start adding stars. We recommend that you add them before you sync your information with AHG, before you have an event where you'd hand out such awards, or after a big service project that a lot of people attended... or really whenever you're thinking about it. It doesn't take too long to go through and update and it gives you a good idea of where your youth are in their service and participation.